Full Forms for Information Technology

Full Forms for Information Technology Related Terms:

COMPUTER - Common Operating Machine Particularly Used for Trade, Education, and Research

SMS - System Management Server

ENIAC - Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator

PIN - Personal Identification Number

ISP - Internet Service Provider

IT - Information Technology

WWW - World Wide Web (sometimes call W3)

WWW - World Wide Wait - slang

VIP - Vines Internet Protocol

ASP - Active Server Page

ASP Application Service Provider

3D - Three Dimensional 

INS - InterNet communication Settings

CAD - Computer Aided Design

ECS - Enhanced Chip Set

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions (files often found on BBS and Internet)

DOS - Disk Operating System

POP - Power On Password

POP - Post Office Protocol (how PCs get email from internet)

POP - Point Of Presence (internet and WWW terminology for location of server)

STP - Shielded Twisted Pair

FORTRAN - FORmula TRANslation language (programming language)

MODEM - MODulate / DEModulate

NCC - Network Control Center

IC - Integrated Circuit

IP -  Internet Protocol

UID - User IDentification (internet- intranet- and server login accesses)

IRDA - Infrared Data Association

CLASS - Compiled java program- often used as class extension

NIC - Network Interface Card

PC - Personal Computer

RAS - Remote Access Server / Service

CD-ROM - Compact Disk - Read Only Memory

PPP - Point to Point Protocol

ARPANET - Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (the beginning of the internet)

EEPROM - Electronic Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory

MPEG - Motion Picture Experts Group (file extension MPG)

PVC - Permanent Virtual Circuits

ASAP - Application Assessment And Planning package (Lotus migration application)

CPU - Central Processing Unit

SSI - Server Side Includes (web technology that allows for dynamic data exchange in web pages)

CMYK - Cyan- Magenta- Yellow- blacK

COBOL - Common Business Oriented Language (programming language)

ID - Internal Device

FCI - Flux Changes per Inch (drive tech terminology)

MIS - Management Information Systems

MIS - Multimedia Information Sources

APL - Automatic Programming Language

DTP - Desk-Top Publishing

SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

IPC - Inter-Processes Communications

PDC - Primary Domain Controller

SFC - System File Checker (command line program found with Windows XP)

HD - Hard Disk 2 High Density (type of disk format)

PCI - Personal Computer Interface 

PCI - Peripheral Component Interconnect

CPS - Clusters Per Sector (depends on the OS- AND the size of the disk partition)

CPS - Characters Per Second

DBMS - DataBase Management System

CHAT - Conversational Hypertext Access Technology (""talking"" in real time over the internet)"

DVD - Digital Video Disk

DOC - DOCument (file format extension used by word processors such as MS Word)

DOC - A word processing DOCument file extension  Often used by MS Word

CCS - Common Command Set (instructions for SCSI interface)

LCD - Liquid Crystal Display (often found on laptops)

POS - Point Of Sale (the scanners you see in supermarkets)

TM - Text Message

TM - Test Mode (modem diagnostics)

URL - Uniform Resource Locator

IBM - International Business Machines

EMS - Expanded Memory Specification (LIM Lotus / Intel / Microsoft)

CDR - A Graphics File extension- often used by Corel Draw

RDO - Remote Data Objects

VBA - Visual Basic for Applications (programming language bundled with MS Office- can include ActiveX- not a full VB compiler- but can edit macros and commands)

AT - Asynchronous Transmission 

AT - Advanced Technology

FTP - File Transfer Protocol

GPF - General Protection Fault (A window error message that occurs when a program crashes)

SSA - Serial Storage Architecture (another communications port setup (like SCSI) that has fast data transfer but requires high demands of DMA channels)

GP - General Purpose

VGA - Video Graphics Adapter

ISM - Information Services Manager

SRC - Sample Rate Conversion

PDP - Plasma Display Panel (laptops)

ODBC - Open DataBase Connectivity (2 Components) (Microsofts shared data connections)

ICA - Independent Computing Architecture

EPROM - Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory (re-programmable ROM chips)

DD - Double Density (type of disk format - more than single density- less than High Density)

SIT - Stuff-It (Compressed File extension for Macintosh computers) 

EULA - End User License Agreement

HP - Hewlett Packard

ADC - Advanced Data Connector (database caching w/IIS server)

DB - DataBase

DB - decibel

ED - External Device 

W3C - World Wide Web Consortium

MCSE - Microsoft Certified System Engineer